Features to Check Before Buying a Screen Recorder System

Features to Check Before Buying a Screen Recorder System

A screen recorder system is a useful piece of software that allows you to record videos of the screen and teach how to perform steps for a particular task. It is used in demonstrating how to use software or while onboarding new employees.

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There are so many screen recording applications, and it can be a daunting task to choose the right one for your business. The best strategy to follow is to look for essential features in the screen recording system. Here is the list of features to check.

Record Whole Screen or a Particular Area

You don’t always need to capture the entire screen. In that case, the software should allow you to select an area for capturing. Such features help in capturing only the screen activities you want and keep the viewer focused. Also, reduced dimensions of the screen capture reduce file size.

Real-Time Drawing

The video itself is often not self-explanatory, and you need to add notes to the video for smoother delivery of the information. The real-time drawing feature allows you to draw and outline your video in real-time. It also allows you to do the same for screenshots in real-time.

Webcam Overlay

Many tutorials require human instructions along with the screen capture. Text overlay on the video recording is ineffective in delivering information, and the user might miss important information.

Webcam overlay feature allows you to add a webcam video of yourself on the video recording done through the software. The combination of the video recording (screen) and the webcam overlay help achieve maximum delivery of information through these instructional videos.

Mix Voice

Simple motion videos do not guarantee the complete delivery of knowledge through videos. Also, such videos become boring at some point, and the viewer loses interest. The ability to add your voice to the videos would make the tutorial more effective in delivering the information to the viewer.

Add Logo

Companies need to add their logo to the tutorials and instructional videos they create. Besides increasing the brand visibility, the logo’s addition also reminds the viewer who the creator of the video is. The presence of the logo in the video also prevents other people from marketing these videos as their own.

Add Mouse Effects

Most computer instructional steps require you to use the mouse to select options and proceed further. Adding mouse effects to the video allows the creator to draw the viewer’s attention to the most critical things on the screen. It also improves the delivery of information and makes things easy to follow and understand.

Capture 4K Videos

The quality of the video is an essential factor in keeping the viewer interested and viewer engagement. Videos with low resolution fail to make a mark in the delivery of information. In most scenarios, the viewer will lose interest and would not grasp the information presented through the screen capture videos.

Today most businesses use high bandwidth Internet connections. Even a video sharing portal allows you to upload and share high-definition videos. The screen recorder software should capture 4K videos up to 3840×2160 resolution.

Record for 24 Hours

The length of the video is an important aspect. Many organizations need the screen recording of the entire day. Hence the software should support screen recording for 24 hours or more. If the recording software does not support the creation of lengthy videos, its usefulness for the organization is limited.

Upload to YouTube

When you create tutorials or any instructional videos, you would want to share them with others. YouTube is the most popular video sharing site used by individuals and businesses. The software should provide you with an option to upload videos directly to your YouTube account. It will eliminate the need to use other software or browsers to upload videos.

Easy to Use Interface

The screen recording software should have an easy to use interface that allows users to create videos more easily. If the software is difficult to use, the user will have trouble creating videos, and it will prevent the user from exploring different functionalities of the software. All this will affect the efficiency of the user and the quality of videos.

These are some of the essential features of the screen recording software to look for. If the software does not have any feature listed above, it will affect the videos’ quality, and user engagement will suffer.

Screen recording software is a significant investment. They have a multitude of uses and can be easily listed as one of the essential business tools. You need to consider all options available and select software that provides all essential features and provides the best value for your money.

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